Dzmitry Miarzlou

Office O03.001
phone +41 (0)61 207 59 38 

University Basel
Department of chemistry
Mattenstrasse 24a, BPR 1096
4058 Basel 


Leisinger F.; Miarzlou, D.A.; Seebeck, F. P. 
"Non-coordinative binding of O2 at the active site center of a copper-dependent enzyme."
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, in press.

Miarzlou, D.A.; Leisinger, F.; Joss, D.; Häussinger, D.; Seebeck, F. P. 
"Structure of formylglycin-generating enzyme in complex with copper and a substrate reveals an acidic pocket for binding and activation of molecular oxygen."
Chem.Sci., 2019, 10, 7049 - 7058.

Previous work:

Rozhkova A.M.; Miarzlou D.; Bashirova A.V.; Zorov I. N.; O. G. Korotkova; Shashkov I. A.; Sinitsyn A. P. "A New Enzyme Preparation for Reducing the Viscosity of Whole-Grain Rye Extracts" Moscow. Univ. Chem. Bull.2018, 73, 53 - 57.

Denisenko Y.A.; Merzlov D.A.; Gusakov A.V.; Chekushina A.V.; Sinitsyn A.P. "Comparative characterization of xylanases XylA and XylE from Penicillium canescens fungi" Moscow. Univ. Chem. Bull. 2015, 70, 278 - 282.

Merzlov D.A.; Zorov I.N.; Dotsenko G.S.; Denisenko Yu.A.; Rozhkova A.M.; Satrutdinov A.D.; Rubtsova E.A.; Kondratieva E.G.; and Sinitsyn A.P. "Properties of Enzyme Preparations and Homogeneous Enzymes – Endoglucanases EG2 Penicillium verruculosum and LAM Myceliophthora thermophila" Biochemistry (Mosc) 2015, 80, 473 - 482.