Office O03.001
phone +41 (0)61 207 59 39
University Basel
Department of chemistry
BPR 1096, Rosental Mitte, Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel
Previous work
R. P. Crefcoeur, O. Zgheib, T. D. Halazonetis
"A Model to Investigate Single-Strand DNA Responses in G1 Human Cells via a TelomereTargeted, Nuclease-Deficient CRISPR-Cas9 System"
PLOS ONE. 2017, 12(1): e0169126.
R. P. Crefcoeur, R. Yin, R. Ulm, T. D. Halazonetis
"Ultraviolet-B-mediated induction of protein–protein interactions in mammalian cells"
Nat. Comm. 2013, 4:1779.