Wen Wang

Wen Wang

Office O03.001
phone +41 (0)61 207 59 41 

University Basel
Department of Chemistry
BPR 1096, Rosental Mitte, Mattenstrasse 24a
4058 Basel 


Previous work:

Wang K. B.; Wang W.; Zhang B.; Wang X.; Chen Y.; Zhu H. J.; Tan R. X.; Ge H. M. 
A [6+4]-cycloaddition adduct is the biosynthetic intermediate in streptoseomycin biosynthesis.
Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 2092.

Liu S. H.; Wang W.; Wang K. B.; Zhang B.; Li W.; Shi J.; Jiao R. H.; Tan R. X.; Ge H. M. 
Heterologous expression of a cryptic giant type I PKS gene cluster leads to the production of ansaseomycin.
Org. Lett.2019, 21, 10, 3785-3788.

Zhang B.; Wang K. B.; Wang W.; Wang X.; Fang L.; Zhu J.; Shi J.; Li L. Y.; Han H.; Xu K.; Qiao H. Y.; Zhang X.; Jiao R. H.; Houk K.N.; Liang Y.; Tan R. X.; Ge H. M. 
Enzyme-catalysed [6+4] cycloadditions in the biosynthesis of natural products.
Nature2019, 568, 122-126.